Working with the Sun

Comet Solar installs solar systems on several islands in the Caribbean. Because of restraints by utility companies and island governments we decided to try an experiment in off-grid solar. We are using our home in Anguilla as the test case since we are committed to the use of solar as a new way to power homes and businesses in the Caribbean. This blog is about our experiences and the pros and cons of going off the grid.

We are leaving the first article about the technical side of off-grid solar at the top of the blog.

The equipment - the technical stuff

The equipment - the technical stuff

The Set-up In order to move a modern home off the grid, the system has to be able to support the power requirements without too much ch...

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Sunshine Shack Goes Solar!

Sunshine Shack on Rendezvous Bay

Anguilla just turned off their generator. Why, you might ask... well, Chef and owner Garvey asked Comet Solar to install an off-grid solar system to power his popular beach bar.
Now, when you are chilling out and listening to tunes, you won't be annoyed by the constant drone of the gas powered generator. You won't smell it either! Instead, the sunshine that makes the trip down the beach worthwhile, will also be powering his beachbar.

Comet Solar completed the install yesterday and since then the sun has been supplying the entire place with the electricity he needs to keep the tunes mellow and the beer cold.
"I really did not want to run electric lines out to the beach and spoil the view"  Garvey explained, "Now that I have the ability to store energy for nighttime use and have power during the day to run the business, I am ready to go." 
Chris Mason of Comet Solar designed an inexpensive off-grid solar system that will supply him with the power needed without costing an arm and a leg. Installation was quick and easy. After measuring the beach bar's power usage, Chris suggested a 2 KW system with 4 batteries and an inverter. The system was installed in less than a day and Garvey's solar solution started making power immediately. In future if his needs increase, more batteries and panels can be added. 

Anguilla has  plenty of sunshine so it is fitting that a beach bar on Anguilla named Sunshine Shack is powered by the sun. 

Go Garvey!


  1. It may be small but it is our favourite installation.

  2. Nice Job.... Comet Solar Strikes again!.... It is good to know that there are business people around that understand the value of the harnessed Sun.
    But where is the Solar Witch? She needs to Do the Voodoo that she Do?

    Next time down I will be visiting the Sunshine Shack.

  3. Solar witch was there Ron taking photos with her wand camera.

  4. I think this is fantastic not only for the environment, but to illustrate the forward thinking if entrepreneurs!! Congrats to Garvey & Comet Solar!! See you at the shack in December!!!

  5. Great hope more joins in! keep it up.


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